We have beautiful campuses which provide safe and enabling environment for your personal and intellectual growth. The environment encourages a vibrant and inclusive community. You will have the opportunity to meet and colloborate with fellow students from diverse backgrounds with unique perspectives and talents. You are encouraged to take full advantage of the rich cultural and extracurricular opportunities available to you.
We are excited to have you as part of the Madonna University Family and we look forward to your academic and personal achievements. We belive that you will not only excell in your chosen field, but also contribute to the society at large, making Madonna to have you as an esteemed alumni in the future.
Thank you for choosing Madonna University. You are welcomed to a future filled with limitless opportuniities and growth.
Please, accept my best wishes for your journey ahead. May your time in Madonna be worthwhile, and may your experiences be enriching, transformative and leaving you with sweet memories.
Thank you.
Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies