Actualizing Agricultural Development Programmes in Nigeria Using Communication Strategies

  • Prisca Godspower Ochulor
Keywords: Strategies, Agriculture, Actualization, Communication, Development.


The paper examines how Agricultural Development Programmes can
be actualized in Nigeria using Communication Strategies. Data was
collected through questionnaire. The population of the study was all
beneficiaries of Agricultural development programme fund in Nigeria
using multi-stage sampling technique. The finding of the study
indicated that some of the beneficiaries of Agricultural development
fund were not well informed. This made Agricultural development not
to be actualized to its potentials, thereby creating scarcity and lack of
Agricultural produce. The paper recommended that, the Federal, State
and Local Government officials through which the donors operate,
should apply verbal communication strategies in educating the farmers
on how to use new technologies and new products in developing
agricultural products in Nigeria.

Author Biography

Prisca Godspower Ochulor

Bingham University Karu, Nasarawa State
