Developing Standardized Tests and Marking Guide for Effective Learners' Assessment
The aim of this paper is for instructors to learn how to showcase their skills in preparing valid, reliable and useful items including test planning, test preparation, test scoring/grading based on defined marking guide for effective learners' assessment. This is to promote Fairness, objectivity and consistency in evaluating learner's performance. The paper discusses the different types of tests, basic considerations in classroom test development, and explanation of different steps in test construction and how to prepare a defined standard marking guide. The paper also emphasizes the importance of transparency and continuous improvement in the learner's assessment process. The paper creates awareness that a good test well-constructed and the marking guide well prepared reflects the goals of the instructor. It will equally make instructors to avoid subjectivity and bias. This paper also shows clarity and accuracy of the assessment material crucial in achieving reliable results which will enhance and facilitate tests development and marking. This paper will make instructors to learn how to construct good items and marking guide. I recommend that instructors should attend seminars and workshops to upgrade their knowledge because they are the driving force in any educational system. They are also the fulcrum of the Education Act