Madonna University, Okija Campus

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Dr. Uche Oboko

Doctor of English


Uche Oboko is a Reader and Head, Department of English, Madonna University, Nigeria. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English language (second class honours upper division) from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State; a Master of Arts (Teaching of English as a Second Language) from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka; a Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Foundations and a Doctor of Philosophy in English from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State respectively. Uche Oboko is an erudite scholar and has attended many academic conferences at national and international levels. She has many book chapters and journal articles in notable international and national journals to her credit. Her most recent work explored Impoliteness, Implicature, Indirectness and Bias in Igbo Female Degrading Proverbs from a socio-pragmatic angle. Her research interests include: Syntax, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Applied linguistics and Language Studies. Her hobbies include: writing, reading, researching, listening to good music and dancing.

Current Position

Head, Department of English, Madonna University, Nigeria, Okija Campus

Professional Education

  • B.A., English Language, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anamabra State, 1998
  • M.A., English Language, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 2007
  • PhD, English Language, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anamabra State, 2016

Time at the University

  • Chairperson, Madonna University Inter-Departmental Debate Committee 2020
  • Chairperson, Madonna University, Postgraduate Handbook Publication Committee 2018
  • Secretary, Madonna University Journal, Research and Publications Committee 2018
  • Head, Department of English, Madonna University, Nigeria, Okija Campus October 2016 till date
  • Examination Officer, Department of English, Madonna University, Nigeria 2012 – 2016

Courses Taught

  • ENG 821: Advanced Phonetics and Phonology
  • ENG 827: Advanced Sociolinguistics
  • ENG 411: Multilingualism
  • ENG 415: Language and National Development
  • ENG 314: Pragmatics


Language as a Didactic Tool and Vehicle of Cultural Preservation: A Pragma-sociolinguistic Study of Selected Igbo Proverbs’

The study aims at establishing the relationship between Igbo proverbs, their functions in society and their pragmatic force as didactic tools.

‘Sound-letter Non- Correspondence Vis-a- vis Deviation in Spoken English among Secondary School Students in Nnewi Educational Zone’

The paper tries to find out why many students perform poorly in spelling and pronunciation in their spoken and written English. Findings from the study reveal that factors such as faulty learning, over generalization, poor foundation , lack of interest, mother tongue interference, fossilization , negative transfers and low motivation are among the factors responsible for poor performance of students in those aspects of language use. It also proffers solutions on how to reduce such erroneous usages to the barest minimum .

A Pragmemic Analysis of Igbo Postproverbials: Identity Creation, Negotiation and Signification

The paper evaluates the pragmatic acts, the extent to which Igbo proverbs are reformed and doctored; yet, maintain qualities of the Igbo culture while accommodating the identity of the 21st century ideology of the Igbo people. Findings show that Igbo proverbs are essentially custodians of the Igbo cultural identity and orientalism and that most proverbs have been moderated to fit the emerging trends in the identity of the Igbo ancestry.

Face Threatening and Impoliteness Strategies in Postgraduate Students and Administrative Staff’s Interactions in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka

The study investigates the impoliteness strategies employed by the administrative staff in interacting with postgraduate students at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Findings show the extent of polite and impolite language use by the postgraduate students and the administrative staff. The study also reveals that the administrative staff studied employed bald on-record strategy among other strategies while the students employed negative impoliteness strategy among other strategies.


  • Politeness in Language Use: A Sociolinguistic Study of Undergraduates in Selected Universities in Anambra State, Nigeria
  • An Evaluative Study of the Relative Relevance of Traditional, Structural and Transformational Generative GrammarsThe work evaluates the relative relevance of the Traditional, Structural and Transformational Generative grammars, their contributions to language learning, their shortcomings and how a synthesis of the three grammars will help to improve the teaching and learning of the English language in Nigeria.
  • A Comparative Analysis of Nigerian and British Forms of Written English: A Study of Nnamdi Azikiwe UndergraduatesThe work is an investigation of the written language of Nnamdi Azikiwe University undergraduates with a view of discovering areas of difficulties in their use of the British forms of English especially in writing.The work made a morpho-syntactic analysis of what the students wrote and compared it with what may be regarded as British forms of written English. The work also made recommendations on how students can improve on their use of the British forms in writing.
  • Strategies for Involving Parents in Controlling Examination MalpracticeThe work examines ways in which parents participate in examination malpractice as well as factors responsible for parental involvement in examination malpractice. Finally, the work identifies strategies for involving parents in the control of examination malpractice.

Professional Affiliations

  • English Language Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (ELTAN)
  • International Association of Teachers’ of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
  • Teachers of English as a Second Language (ELTT)
  • Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (African TESOL)