Authenticity in Nollywood Costuming

  • Maureen Ndu PhD
Keywords: Nollywood, Costume, Authenticity, Cultural heritage


Nollywood is often charged by its critics with being insufficiently
authentic in costuming indigenous period and cultural films. This
charge comes from the desire for authenticity; the desire to see
indigenous Nigerian period films costumed in their pristine form and
design. Costume aside authenticating the characters in space and time,
establishes the class, status, gender, age and power of the actor.
Authenticity in costume demands a full knowledge of the cultural and
social identity of the era. This paper examines the authentic
representation and presentation of costume in pristine movies. Two
Nollywood Pristine movies, Adaeze, directed by Amayo Uzo phlips and
costumed by Ogoo Okechi and the film Osun Sengese, directed by
Adebayo tijani, Ojopagogo and costumed by Madam Goldspot are
read. The paper identifies the place of Nollywood in creating
authenticity in costume as there are tools for recording, preservation,
and transmission of our cultural heritage in dress and accessories.

Author Biography

Maureen Ndu PhD

Department of English, Madonna University Nigeria, Okija Campus Anambra state.

Researchgate ID-
